Салют буудуулах бригад болон хар хилэнцэт хорхой / Чили салют буудлагын салбарын шинэчлэл
Fireworks Brigade - The idle chit-chat and mischievous banter offered in this Pyromaniacs Forum are provided by Johnny Starr and Ron the Banker. ...
2022-02-05MORE -
"The Burn Pyro Talk" нэвтрүүлэгт ЧИЛИЙН СААЛУУД - 2-р анги
Last time we did a live stream with IOWA FIREWORKS FARM on The Burn Pyro Talk- hosted by Kio Diekin together with Jason Merfeld - owner of IOWA FIREWO...
2022-02-05MORE -
CHILI FIREWORKS болон IOWA FREWORKS FARM шууд дамжуулалтаар - The Burn
This is the 1st time for CHILI FIREWORKS and IOWA FIREWORKS FARM talking about fireworks industry products and trends in 2022 and 2023 on livestream i...
2021-10-15MORE -
Booth No. 54, 2021 NFA EXPO. and Demo Night on Sep. 13th in Erie, PA
CHILI FIREWORKS is proud to present ourBLACK SCORPION BRANDnew items for 2022 season at NFA DEMO NIGHT this September in Erie Pennsylvani...
2021-07-28MORE -
Шинэ 200Gram агаарын чиргүүл - Chili Fireworks-ийн бүтээсэн Black Scorpion брэнд
Only 2 months away from 4th of July and there are still many containers on the water shortage of empty containers has not been 100% solved and we hope...
2021-05-10MORE -
Canister бүрхүүлүүдийн шууд дамжуулалтын демо
This is the first live demo show in year of 2021 and we bring on the most exciting fireworks products on line - CANISTER SHELLS including 4 inches 5 i...